Friday, 27 April 2012

Just to inform you now that I have completely finished my degree (which includes the completion of this project). The visuals and DVDs were burned about 2 weeks ago and since then I've been taking my time adding extra bits to the research and development file and the DVD case.

This his been an incredible experience and I can't wait to get started with the next one following my busy birthday month.

Monday, 2 April 2012

A Soul's Tale

This is my final piece for submission. I am proud of what I have achieved with Maya and After Effects.

I have noticed issues that can only be corrected by going right back to the source which will set my finishing time back by at least a week and so I have chosen to constructively criticise them in my evaluation and pose solutions for what I could have done to get around them.


Sunday, 25 March 2012

Second draft

Just waiting on good quality narration, title, credits and rendering scene. Music could do with tweaking for timing.

Monday, 19 March 2012

First draft (minus last scene)

Also missing the brown soul falling asleep, various scene bridges, fireflies in dark scenes, re-rendered fire scene (with green and brown leaves and fixed ncloth) and some scenes run too slow or too fast.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Friday, 16 March 2012

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Traps Scene Camera 1 Part 2.

Traps scene 2 (camera 2 render to come tomorrow)

As if it's just taken 20 minutes to upload this two second clip. This probably needs a more prominent reaction.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Just a little ncloth glitch here

Might consider putting red in the traps.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Pond Scene (Scene 2)

 Let's see how this plays out!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Earth scene

Horizon is obviously an issue here. And speed. FIX THIS.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Red scene (Scene 3)

nCloth fail at the end. Also long black bit because I forgot to the change the composition length in After Effects.
And my leaves apparently did not want to stay green. So now they are white. Fantastical leaves.
Pretty happy though for a first try, these things can be corrected if I get time later.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Render before the stupid pond messes everything up

Still needs some colour changes and texture mapping on the models. But the sky I'm happy with.

Sun and Sky again

God knows what I was playing with here... red/blue shift channels?

Fun with paint effects

Monday, 6 February 2012

Playing with mia Physical Sun and Sky

I don't actually know what is creating the massive shadow across the middle.

Credits set up

Sound and Music notes for R&D

Diegetic - in the world of the story
Non-diegtetic - outside this world
Displaced diegetic - spatially or temporally shifted
Synchronous - sound source in frame
Non-synchronous - outside frame

Parallel - supports the main narrative action
Contrapuntal - contradicts it
Spatial - defines diegetic space
Temporal - defines diegetic time
Bridges - links scenes
Punctuation - defines diegetic time
Predictive - affirms reality of diegetic world
Emphatic - accentuates or creates narrative tension
Predictive - foreshadows narrative action

Synchresis - sounds appears as natural, in sync with action
Acousmastic - sound heard without seeing source
Subjective and objective internal sound - mental or physical interior of character
Active off screen sound - something is happening off screen
Passive off screen sound - creates an environment or atmosphere for what we see
Emphatic music - music expresses directly the feelings of the scene
Anemphatic music - music exhibits indifference to scene taking place and so intensifies emotion

Rick Altman - Sound is unlikely to be single, discrete, uniform, undimensional. It is more likely to be multiple, complex, heterogeneous, three-dimensional.

Theo van Leeuwen - Sounds are dialogic, they interact. With sound, different things can happen at the same time. Sounds can clash or harmonise.

nCloths aren't crazy after all!

Depth Map shadows are the cause of the jagged edges! Need to fix the eyes at some point but for now, this is done and fine. God rewards people that finish, not those that finish perfectly.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

No work

I'm proving to be really bad at doing my work this semester. It is all still perfectly doable I just have to give up my social life over the next two weeks. Just to make sure I'm up to date again.
I would love to get on with my work now but my laptops fan is on the verge of breaking down, which will leave my internal hardrive fried. I can't take this risk for my external hardrive is partially dying and needs reformatting on the computers at Uni (because I can't remember how to do it through windows). So once again I don't really have anything to show Ros and I should kick myself for it.

Plan to get my life back on track:
  1. Redo the bodies of my souls as the 4 hours I spent doing them Friday have been wasted, they won't be riggable. GOD DAMN not getting things right the first time.
  2. Go to my lectures and actually listen.
  3. Book a Marrantz.
This should get me started. Then Tuesday I can own Maya.

Oh my Lightscribe discs came today so I might give that a try tomorrow too. I already have the designs.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Movs from the end of last semester

Madder Mortem

Madder Mortem (Where Dream and Day Collide) from Christian Ruud on Vimeo.

Another excellent example of Maya, After Effects and Photoshop.


Line- Movie from Ludo Rami on Vimeo.

I like the style of this, not so much the story. It has a deeper meaning than is first on teh surface but I find that it doesn't have enough traction to be interesting and eye grabbing. The style and the way things fade in and out are brilliant though. Very dream state.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Sea orchestra

Made my day.

Sea Orchestra from Shy the Sun on Vimeo.

Website planning

This sort of explains things nicely in terms of getting a website up and running. I haven't got a clue.

Saturday, 14 January 2012


Is it acceptable to make a scene in which the video would be shown on a wall? For example, two big cardboard trees. Making the scene in the room 3D as well as the film.

What I would give... see this. Love how the music works with the climatic shots. This is what I want for my work.

Aurora Borealis in Finnish Lapland 2011 from Flatlight Films on Vimeo.


So I made a timescale this week for this semester. Admittedly, I should have done this last week but I didn't and now it is a little messed up. Since we're not allowed in the labs at the weekend I am behind already. My laptop just can't cope with Maya.

Not even sure it can cope with streaming videos on youtube anymore.

So instead of working on fixing my models this week like it says I should I have completed my sketches for my credits and just need to edit them in photoshop on monday morning. Then they're complete. So that gives me an extra couple of days leading up to DVD construction. I've not just done nothing.

Sunday, 8 January 2012


Gee look at me. My least favourite part of digital media. Wanting this track.
et_ - Kopeika

Maybe this:
Alastair Cameron - Gentle Marimba

This song would obviously be most awesome. BUT tough luck.
James Newton Howard - Fairy Dance

Saturday, 7 January 2012


and the semester begins agaiiiiin. If only my computer hadn't been removed from the labs with all my work on.