Diegetic - in the world of the story
Non-diegtetic - outside this world
Displaced diegetic - spatially or temporally shifted
Synchronous - sound source in frame
Non-synchronous - outside frame
Parallel - supports the main narrative action
Contrapuntal - contradicts it
Spatial - defines diegetic space
Temporal - defines diegetic time
Bridges - links scenes
Punctuation - defines diegetic time
Predictive - affirms reality of diegetic world
Emphatic - accentuates or creates narrative tension
Predictive - foreshadows narrative action
Synchresis - sounds appears as natural, in sync with action
Acousmastic - sound heard without seeing source
Subjective and objective internal sound - mental or physical interior of character
Active off screen sound - something is happening off screen
Passive off screen sound - creates an environment or atmosphere for what we see
Emphatic music - music expresses directly the feelings of the scene
Anemphatic music - music exhibits indifference to scene taking place and so intensifies emotion
Rick Altman - Sound is unlikely to be single, discrete, uniform, undimensional. It is more likely to be multiple, complex, heterogeneous, three-dimensional.
Theo van Leeuwen - Sounds are dialogic, they interact. With sound, different things can happen at the same time. Sounds can clash or harmonise.
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